#TuesdayShoesday: Sneakers with Everything

Let your tired feet rejoice! Thanks to the longevity of the “athlesiure” trend, sneakers are no longer restricted to torture time at the gym. This is great news for pretty much everyone: if you wear heels too much, you can give yourself a break and still look chic, and if you never liked wearing heels in the first place, well, congrats, because sneakers these days are cooler than ever. Last spring, Chanel pretty much solidified this trend by sending all their looks down the runway paired with sneakers:
viavoguePhoto via Vogue.com

 I won’t lie, making the adjustment and wearing sneakers with non-athletic wear was weird at first. I am one of those chicks that just love heels even though they always kill me in the end. When I wear sneakers, I can’t help but feel just a little bit cooler; they make your outfit look unexpected and a little bit more edgy. Here are a couple past outfits where I have tried the sneaker-as-fashion trend:


I also love how crazy sneakers are getting these days. You could go with anything from plaid white and clean to bright neon and printed, the possibilities are endless. Check out a couple of my favorite sneaker pics below:

#tuesdayshoesday: sneakers

 Here’s some more great street style examples that show you can literally wear sneakers with anything from shorts and a t-shirt to an evening dress:

sincerelyjulesPhoto via Sincerelyjules.com

happilygreyPhoto via happilygrey.com

viapinterestPhoto via Pinterest.com

vivaluxuryPhoto via vivaluxury.blogspot.com

thefashioncaruselPhoto via thefashioncarousel.com

gettyimagesPhoto via Gettyimages.com

gettyimages1Photo via Gettyimages.com

Thanks for reading, have a great afternoon! xo