Back(pack) to School

Back to school


Well, summer break is almost over. I fully intend to soak up these last few weeks of carefree summer bliss as much as possible, but in the mean time, would like to point your attention to the matter of backpacks. Growing up, I dreaded going back to school every fall as much as the next kid. Some things never change.
How you feel when back to school commercials start - First world Problems II | Meme Generator 2014-08-09 13-50-07
However, end of summer depression was quickly forgotten at the prospect of back to school shopping. A new school year is a great excuse for new clothes, and of course, a new backpack. Even if you aren’t a student, backpacks are making a big comeback due to the fact that there are so many chic options out there. I have personally always felt that your backpack says a lot about you. Up until a year ago, I was still holding on to my much beloved L.L. Bean tie-died backpack that had “Jessie” embroidered on it. As far as my 7th grade self was concerned, that backpack was the coolest one out there. Now that I’m going to have to start actually going to campus rather than my couch to take classes (the horror), I am on the hunt for a really great backpack. While I may not be happy about the start of a new semester, at least I have a little bit of semi-justifiable retail therapy to console me. 🙂
Thanks for reading and have a great weekend! xo