Rock a statement necklace without rocking your bank account!

Call me crazy, but I really can’t get enough of this whole statement necklace thing. Two years ago, I would’ve thought these super bright, super crystal-ly over the top costume jewelry necklaces were tacky. Jcrew and Anthropologie seem to be the best at making said necklaces, but, at about $150 a pop, that’s just a little too much to cough up for something that doesn’t actually have value. So, being the savvy shopper I am, I have found an alternative: Ebay! It requires a little more digging and a bit more patience, but instead of paying $150, you could pay about $10 dollars for something that looks just the same. Just search for “statement necklace” or “jcrew style statement necklace.” The only downside is these super cheap pieces are coming from China, so you’ll have to wait a minute to get them. Patience is a virtue, right?

Here’s a couple of awesome pieces I found today for less than $10:




