Sunday Best

IMG_6126Easter is probably the epitome of “putting on your Sunday best.” When I was younger, getting an “Easter Dress” was always something I really looked forward to. This always involved going to Dillard’s with my mom and grandmother to pick out just what I would wear to church on that very special Sunday. While I haven’t had an Easter dress in years, I picked up this amazing dress recently and immediately fell in love with it because it reminded me of a dress i wore on Easter probably around the time I was 8. I remember trying on this dress and thinking there had never been nor would there ever be anything prettier. In fact, I don’t think I have ever any piece of clothing as much as I loved this dress. What can I say, I’ve been fashion obsessed since…forever. Here’s that gem of an Easter dress in all its 90’s glory below:

throwbacklwdWhile personally Easter isn’t quite the same as it used to be back then, I can’t deny that I won’t take any excuse or occasion to get dressed up, especially when the dress reminds me of my favorite dress EVER.







Dress: Forever 21/ Shoes: Shoedazzle, sold out, similar/ Clutch: House of Harlow 1960

Have a wonderful Easter/Passover, and thanks for reading! xo

Photos by Ashley Capella

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